/* * Publication Harvester * Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Stellman & Greene Consulting * Developed for Joshua Zivin and Pierre Azoulay, Columbia University * http://www.stellman-greene.com/PublicationHarvester * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program (GPL.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Data; using System.Data.Odbc; using System.IO; using NUnit.Framework; namespace Com.StellmanGreene.PubMed.Unit_Tests { /// /// Test the reports class /// [TestFixture] public class TestReports { private Database DB; private Reports reports; private People people; /// /// Test individual rows in the people report /// [Test] public void TestPeopleReportRows() { // Set up the database with test publications (and don't forget to add the // publication types!) DB = new Database("Publication Harvester Unit Test"); Harvester harvester = new Harvester(DB); harvester.CreateTables(); PublicationTypes PubTypes = new PublicationTypes( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestPublicationTypes", "PublicationTypes.csv" ); PubTypes.WriteToDB(DB); reports = new Reports(DB, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestReports\\pubmed_jifs.xls"); Assert.IsTrue(reports.Weights.Count == 10); TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, new string[] { "eng" }, 22); people = new People(DB); foreach (Person person in people.PersonList) { Publications pubs = new Publications(DB, person, false); switch (person.Setnb) { case "A6009400": // Van Eys has two publications in 1998, both have zero weight DataRow Row = WriteAndReadBackCSVRow(reports.ReportRow(person, pubs, 1998)); Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray.Length == 74); Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[0].ToString() == "A6009400"); Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[1].ToString() == "1998"); // Verify that all values are zero, except for pubcount (#3), // pubcount_pos1 (#5), 123pubcount (#15), 123pubcount_pos1 (#17), // 3pubcount (#51), 3pubcount_pos1 (#53) for (int i = 2; i <= 73; i++) { if ((i == 2) || (i == 4) || (i == 14) || (i == 16) || (i == 50) || (i == 52)) Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[i].ToString() == "2", "Failed at i == " + i.ToString()); else Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[i].ToString() == "0", "Failed at i == " + i.ToString()); } break; case "A5401532": // Tobian has two publications in 1997 of type 3 with a // combined weight of 4.602 Row = WriteAndReadBackCSVRow(reports.ReportRow(person, pubs, 1997)); Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray.Length == 74); Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[0].ToString() == "A5401532"); Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[1].ToString() == "1997"); // Verify that all values are zero, except for pubcount (#3), // pubcount_pos1 (#5), 123pubcount (#15), 123pubcount_pos1 (#17), // 3pubcount (#51), 3pubcount_pos1 (#53), which should be 2 // // and wghtd_pubcount (#4), wghtd_pubcount_pos1 (#6), // wghtd_123pubcount (#16), wghtd_123pubcount_pos1 (#18), // wghtd_3pubcount (#52), wghtd_3pubcount_pos1 (#54), // which should be 4.602 for (int i = 2; i <= 73; i++) { if ((i == 2) || (i == 4) || (i == 14) || (i == 16) || (i == 50) || (i == 52)) Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[i].ToString() == "2", "Failed at i == " + i.ToString()); else if ((i == 3) || (i == 5) || (i == 15) || (i == 17) || (i == 51) || (i == 53)) Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[i].ToString() == "4.602", "Failed at i == " + i.ToString()); else Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[i].ToString() == "0", "Failed at i == " + i.ToString()); } break; } } } /// /// Test the publications report /// [Test] public void TestPubsReportRow() { // Set up the database with test publications (and don't forget to add the // publication types!) DB = new Database("Publication Harvester Unit Test"); Harvester harvester = new Harvester(DB); harvester.CreateTables(); PublicationTypes PubTypes = new PublicationTypes( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestPublicationTypes", "PublicationTypes.csv" ); PubTypes.WriteToDB(DB); reports = new Reports(DB, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestReports\\pubmed_jifs.xls"); Assert.IsTrue(reports.Weights.Count == 10); TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, new string[] { "eng" }, 22); people = new People(DB); foreach (Person person in people.PersonList) { Publications pubs = new Publications(DB, person, false); if (pubs.PublicationList != null) foreach (Publication pub in pubs.PublicationList) { DataRow Row = WriteAndReadBackCSVRow(reports.PubsReportRow(person, pub)); switch (pub.PMID) { case 15249795: // 0. setnb Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[0].ToString() == "A5401532"); // 1. pmid Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[1].ToString() == "15249795"); // 2. journal_name Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[2].ToString() == "J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich)"); // 3. year Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[3].ToString() == "2004"); // 4. Month Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[4].ToString() == "Jul"); // 5. day Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[5].ToString() == ""); // 6. title Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[6].ToString() == "Interview with Louis Tobian, MD. Interview by Marvin Moser."); // 7. Volume Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[7].ToString() == "6"); // 8. issue Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[8].ToString() == "7"); // 9. position Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[9].ToString() == "1"); // 10. nbauthors Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[10].ToString() == "1"); // 11. Bin Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[11].ToString() == "0"); // 12. Pages Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[12].ToString() == "391-2"); // 13. Publication_type Assert.IsTrue(Row.ItemArray[13].ToString() == "Historical Article"); break; } } } } /// /// Take report row data for a single row, write it to a CSV file, and /// then read it back /// /// String containing the CSV file row /// A DataRow object containing the CSV data private DataRow WriteAndReadBackCSVRow(string rowData) { // Create a temporary filename and write the row to it string BaseFilename = "WriteAndReadBackCSVRow"; string Filename; int i = 0; do { Filename = BaseFilename + i.ToString() + ".csv"; i++; } while (File.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\" + Filename)); StreamWriter Writer = new StreamWriter(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\" + Filename); // Write a fake header row int NumColumns = rowData.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.None).Length; Writer.Write("Column0"); for (int col = 1; col < NumColumns; col++) { Writer.Write(",Column" + col.ToString()); } Writer.WriteLine(); Writer.WriteLine(rowData); Writer.Close(); // Read the row back from the file string ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};Dbq=" + AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ";"; OdbcConnection Connection = new OdbcConnection(ConnectionString); OdbcDataAdapter DataAdapter = new OdbcDataAdapter ("SELECT * FROM [" + Filename + "]", Connection); DataTable Results = new DataTable(); int Rows = DataAdapter.Fill(Results); Connection.Close(); // Make the string contained sure exactly one row Assert.IsTrue(Rows == 1); // Delete the temporary file File.Delete(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\" + Filename); return Results.Rows[0]; } /// /// Verify the full report against test data generated by hand /// [Test] public void TestEntireReport() { string Setnb = ""; // Set up the database with test publications (and don't forget to add the // publication types!) DB = new Database("Publication Harvester Unit Test"); Harvester harvester = new Harvester(DB); harvester.CreateTables(); PublicationTypes PubTypes = new PublicationTypes( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestPublicationTypes", "PublicationTypes.csv" ); PubTypes.WriteToDB(DB); reports = new Reports(DB, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestReports\\pubmed_jifs.xls"); Assert.IsTrue(reports.Weights.Count == 10); TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, new string[] { "eng" }, 22); people = new People(DB); // Write the report StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TestEntireReport.csv"); Reports.ReportStatus StatusCallback = delegate(int number, int total, Person person, bool ProgressBarOnly) { // }; Reports.ReportMessage MessageCallback = delegate(string Message) { // }; reports.PeopleReport(null, writer, StatusCallback, MessageCallback); writer.Close(); // Read the people report back in string ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};Dbq=" + AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ";"; OdbcConnection Connection = new OdbcConnection(ConnectionString); OdbcDataAdapter DataAdapter = new OdbcDataAdapter ("SELECT * FROM [TestEntireReport.csv]", Connection); DataTable Report = new DataTable(); int Rows = DataAdapter.Fill(Report); Connection.Close(); // Make the file contains the correct number of rows Assert.IsTrue(Rows == 85); // Set the primary keys for the report so CheckData can use Find() to search for rows Report.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { Report.Columns["Setnb"], Report.Columns["Year"] }; // Read the report file that was generated by hand (TestEntireReport_Data.xls) // and check each value against the report that was generated by Reports() string[] Columns = { "setnb", "year", "pubcount", "wghtd_pubcount", "pubcount_pos1", "wghtd_pubcount_pos1", "pubcount_posN", "wghtd_pubcount_posN", "pubcount_posM", "wghtd_pubcount_posM", "pubcount_posNTL", "wghtd_pubcount_posNTL", "pubcount_pos2", "wghtd_pubcount_pos2", "123pubcount", "wghtd_123pubcount", "123pubcount_pos1", "wghtd_123pubcount_pos1", "123pubcount_posN", "wghtd_123pubcount_posN", "123pubcount_posM", "wghtd_123pubcount_posM", "123pubcount_posNTL", "wghtd_123pubcount_posNTL", "123pubcount_pos2", "wghtd_123pubcount_pos2", "1pubcount", "wghtd_1pubcount", "1pubcount_pos1", "wghtd_1pubcount_pos1", "1pubcount_posN", "wghtd_1pubcount_posN", "1pubcount_posM", "wghtd_1pubcount_posM", "1pubcount_posNTL", "wghtd_1pubcount_posNTL", "1pubcount_pos2", "wghtd_1pubcount_pos2", "2pubcount", "wghtd_2pubcount", "2pubcount_pos1", "wghtd_2pubcount_pos1", "2pubcount_posN", "wghtd_2pubcount_posN", "2pubcount_posM", "wghtd_2pubcount_posM", "2pubcount_posNTL", "wghtd_2pubcount_posNTL", "2pubcount_pos2", "wghtd_2pubcount_pos2", "3pubcount", "wghtd_3pubcount", "3pubcount_pos1", "wghtd_3pubcount_pos1", "3pubcount_posN", //"wghtd_3pubcount_posN", "3pubcount_posM", "wghtd_3pubcount_posM", "3pubcount_posNTL", "wghtd_3pubcount_posNTL", "3pubcount_pos2", "wghtd_3pubcount_pos2", "4pubcount", "wghtd_4pubcount", "4pubcount_pos1", "wghtd_4pubcount_pos1", "4pubcount_posN", "wghtd_4pubcount_posN", "4pubcount_posM", "wghtd_4pubcount_posM", "4pubcount_posNTL", "wghtd_4pubcount_posNTL", "4pubcount_pos2", "wghtd_4pubcount_pos2" }; DataTable HandGeneratedData = NpoiHelper.ReadExcelFileToDataTable(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestReports", "TestEntireReport_Data.xls"); Assert.AreEqual(HandGeneratedData.Rows.Count, 85); for (int RowNum = 0; RowNum < HandGeneratedData.Rows.Count; RowNum++) { // Find the rows in the hand-generated data and the report DataRow HandGeneratedRow = HandGeneratedData.Rows[RowNum]; Setnb = HandGeneratedRow[0].ToString(); int Year = Convert.ToInt32(HandGeneratedRow[1]); DataRow ReportRow = Report.Rows.Find(new object[] { Setnb, Year }); for (int i = 2; i < Columns.Length; i++) { String Column = Columns[i]; if (Column.StartsWith("wghtd_")) { float Value = Convert.ToSingle(HandGeneratedRow[Column]); float Compare = Convert.ToSingle(ReportRow[Column]); Assert.AreEqual(Compare, Value, Setnb + "/" + Year.ToString() + "/" + Column + " -- hand generated has " + Value.ToString() + ", report has" + Compare.ToString()); } else { int Compare = Convert.ToInt32(ReportRow[Column]); int Value = Convert.ToInt32(HandGeneratedRow[Column]); Assert.AreEqual(Compare, Value, Setnb + "/" + Year.ToString() + "/" + Column + " -- hand generated has " + Value.ToString() + ", report has " + Compare.ToString()); } } } // Use BackupReportAndGetSetnbs to back up the report -- check that it // returns the correct list of Setnbs and removes the last one from // the file. The last Setnb should still be in Setnb. ArrayList Setnbs = Reports.BackupReportAndGetSetnbs(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TestEntireReport.csv"); // Read the backup file that was created, make sure that the last setnb in the // file isn't contained and the others are StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TestEntireReport.csv.bak"); string Line = reader.ReadLine(); //skip the header row while ((Line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) // Find the last setnb in the original file { Setnb = Line.Substring(0, 8); } string RemovedSetnb = Setnb; Assert.IsFalse(Setnbs.Contains(RemovedSetnb)); reader.Close(); // Verify that the new file contains only the other setnbs Assert.IsTrue(Setnbs.Count == 3); Assert.IsFalse(Setnbs.Contains(RemovedSetnb)); reader = new StreamReader(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TestEntireReport.csv"); Line = reader.ReadLine(); //skip the header row while ((Line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { Setnb = Line.Substring(0, 8); Assert.IsTrue(Setnbs.Contains(Setnb)); Assert.IsFalse(Setnb == RemovedSetnb); } reader.Close(); // Delete the temporary files File.Delete(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TestEntireReport.csv"); File.Delete(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TestEntireReport.csv.bak"); } /// /// Verify that the reports will skip Setnbs /// [Test] public void TestSkipSetnbs() { // Set up the database with test publications (and don't forget to add the // publication types!) DB = new Database("Publication Harvester Unit Test"); Harvester harvester = new Harvester(DB); harvester.CreateTables(); PublicationTypes PubTypes = new PublicationTypes( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestPublicationTypes", "PublicationTypes.csv" ); PubTypes.WriteToDB(DB); reports = new Reports(DB, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestReports\\pubmed_jifs.xls"); Assert.IsTrue(reports.Weights.Count == 10); TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, new string[] { "eng" }, 22); people = new People(DB); Reports.ReportStatus StatusCallback = delegate(int number, int total, Person person, bool ProgressBarOnly) { // }; Reports.ReportMessage MessageCallback = delegate(string Message) { // }; // Set up the Setnbs to skip ArrayList SetnbsToSkip = new ArrayList(); SetnbsToSkip.Add("A5401532"); SetnbsToSkip.Add("A6009400"); // Verify that the people report skips the setnbs StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TestSkipSetnbs.csv"); reports.PeopleReport(SetnbsToSkip, writer, StatusCallback, MessageCallback); writer.Close(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TestSkipSetnbs.csv"); string Line = reader.ReadLine(); // skip the header row while ((Line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { Assert.IsFalse(Line.StartsWith("A5401532")); Assert.IsFalse(Line.StartsWith("A6009400")); } reader.Close(); // Verify that the people report skips the setnbs writer = new StreamWriter(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TestSkipSetnbs.csv", false); reports.PubsReport(SetnbsToSkip, writer, StatusCallback, MessageCallback); writer.Close(); reader = new StreamReader(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TestSkipSetnbs.csv"); Line = reader.ReadLine(); // skip the header row while ((Line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { Assert.IsFalse(Line.StartsWith("A5401532")); Assert.IsFalse(Line.StartsWith("A6009400")); } reader.Close(); File.Delete(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TestSkipSetnbs.csv"); } /// /// Test the MeSH Heading report /// [Test] public void TestMeSHHeadingReport() { // Set up the database with test publications (and don't forget to add the // publication types!) DB = new Database("Publication Harvester Unit Test"); Harvester harvester = new Harvester(DB); harvester.CreateTables(); PublicationTypes PubTypes = new PublicationTypes( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestPublicationTypes", "PublicationTypes.csv" ); PubTypes.WriteToDB(DB); reports = new Reports(DB, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestReports\\pubmed_jifs.xls"); Assert.IsTrue(reports.Weights.Count == 10); TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, new string[] { "eng" }, 22); // Write the MeSH Heading report StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\MeSHHeadingReport.csv"); Reports.ReportStatus StatusCallback = delegate(int number, int total, Person person, bool ProgressBarOnly) { // }; Reports.ReportMessage MessageCallback = delegate(string Message) { // }; reports.MeSHHeadingReport(writer, StatusCallback, MessageCallback); writer.Close(); // Verify that the MeSH headings were written properly // Read the rows back from the file string ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};Dbq=" + AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ";"; OdbcConnection Connection = new OdbcConnection(ConnectionString); OdbcDataAdapter DataAdapter = new OdbcDataAdapter ("SELECT * FROM [MeSHHeadingReport.csv]", Connection); DataTable Results = new DataTable(); int Rows = DataAdapter.Fill(Results); Connection.Close(); int numChecked = 0; // Check a few selected results foreach (DataRow Row in Results.Rows) { string Setnb = Row[0].ToString(); int Year = Convert.ToInt32(Row[1]); string Heading = Row[2].ToString(); int Count = Convert.ToInt32(Row[3]); switch (Setnb) { case "A6009400": // Van Eys if ((Year == 1998) && (Heading == "Humans")) { Assert.IsTrue(Count == 2); numChecked++; } if ((Year == 1998) && (Heading == "Child")) { Assert.IsTrue(Count == 1); numChecked++; } if ((Year == 2001) && (Heading == "Humans")) { Assert.IsTrue(Count == 1); numChecked++; } break; case "A5702471": // Guillemin if ((Year == 2005) && (Heading == "Hypothalamic Hormones/*physiology")) { Assert.IsTrue(Count == 1); numChecked++; } break; } } Assert.IsTrue(numChecked == 4); File.Delete(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\MeSHHeadingReport.csv"); } /// /// Test the Grants report /// [Test] public void TestGrantsReport() { // Set up the database with test publications (and don't forget to add the // publication types!) DB = new Database("Publication Harvester Unit Test"); Harvester harvester = new Harvester(DB); harvester.CreateTables(); PublicationTypes PubTypes = new PublicationTypes( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestPublicationTypes", "PublicationTypes.csv" ); PubTypes.WriteToDB(DB); reports = new Reports(DB, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestReports\\pubmed_jifs.xls"); Assert.IsTrue(reports.Weights.Count == 10); TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, new string[] { "eng" }, 22); // Write the grants report StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\GrantsReport.csv"); reports.GrantsReport(writer); writer.Close(); // Verify that the grants were written properly // Read the rows back from the file string ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};Dbq=" + AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ";"; OdbcConnection Connection = new OdbcConnection(ConnectionString); OdbcDataAdapter DataAdapter = new OdbcDataAdapter ("SELECT * FROM [GrantsReport.csv]", Connection); DataTable Results = new DataTable(); int Rows = DataAdapter.Fill(Results); Connection.Close(); int numChecked = 0; // Check a few selected results foreach (DataRow Row in Results.Rows) { int Year = Convert.ToInt32(Row[0]); int PMID = Convert.ToInt32(Row[1]); string GrantID = Row[2].ToString(); switch (PMID) { case 3086749: // Guillemin numChecked++; Assert.IsTrue((Year == 1986) && ( (GrantID == "AM-18811/AM/NIADDK") || (GrantID == "HD-09690/HD/NICHD") || (GrantID == "MH-00663/MH/NIMH") || (GrantID == "AG 03106/AG/NIA") || (GrantID == "DK-26741/DK/NIDDK"))); break; case 9049886: // Van Eys numChecked++; Assert.IsTrue((Year == 1997) && (GrantID == "RO1-CA33097/CA/NCI")); break; } } Assert.IsTrue(numChecked == 6); File.Delete(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\GrantsReport.csv"); } } }