/* * Publication Harvester * Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Stellman & Greene Consulting * Developed for Joshua Zivin and Pierre Azoulay, Columbia University * http://www.stellman-greene.com/PublicationHarvester * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program (GPL.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Data; namespace Com.StellmanGreene.PubMed { /// /// The Publications class takes the results from a Medline /// query (returned by the NCBI class) and creates an array of Publication objects. /// public class Publications { /// /// Table that joins people to publications /// public string PeoplePublicationsTable = "PeoplePublications"; /// /// PublicationList read from the Medline data /// public Publication[] PublicationList; /// /// Read a set of publications from the database for a specific person /// /// Database to read from /// Author whose publications should be read /// Value for the PeoplePublications table /// Set SkipMeSHHeadingsAndGrants to true to skip reading MeSH headings and grants when reading publications public Publications(Database DB, Person Author, string PeoplePublicationsTable, bool SkipMeSHHeadingsAndGrants) { this.PeoplePublicationsTable = PeoplePublicationsTable; InitializePublicationsObject(DB, Author, SkipMeSHHeadingsAndGrants); } /// /// Read a set of publications from the database for a specific person /// /// Database to read from /// Author whose publications should be read /// Set SkipMeSHHeadingsAndGrants to true to skip reading MeSH headings and grants when reading publications public Publications(Database DB, Person Author, bool SkipMeSHHeadingsAndGrants) { InitializePublicationsObject(DB, Author, SkipMeSHHeadingsAndGrants); } /// /// Two different Publications() constructors need to call the same function /// /// Database to read from /// Author whose publications should be read /// Set SkipMeSHHeadingsAndGrants to true to skip reading MeSH headings and grants when reading publications private void InitializePublicationsObject(Database DB, Person Author, bool SkipMeSHHeadingsAndGrants) { // Query the database for the publications ArrayList Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Author.Setnb)); DataTable Pubs = DB.ExecuteQuery ("SELECT PMID FROM " + PeoplePublicationsTable + " WHERE Setnb = ?", Parameters); if (Pubs.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("No publications found for setnb '" + Author.Setnb + "'"); } else { PublicationList = new Publication[0]; // Read each publication foreach (DataRow PMIDRow in Pubs.Rows) { int PMID = (int)PMIDRow["PMID"]; Publication publication; if (Publications.GetPublication(DB, PMID, out publication, SkipMeSHHeadingsAndGrants) == false) { throw new Exception("No publication found in the database for PMID " + PMID.ToString()); } Array.Resize(ref PublicationList, PublicationList.Length + 1); PublicationList[PublicationList.GetUpperBound(0)] = publication; } } } /// /// Read a string with data full of Medline citations and extract all of /// the publications /// /// String with data full of Medline citations public Publications(string MedlineData, PublicationTypes pubTypes) { // Get each publication from MedlineData and add it to PublicationList[] Publication publication; while (GetNextPublication(ref MedlineData, out publication, pubTypes)) { // Do garbage collection to avoid "Out of Memory" exceptions // (probably due to Array.Resize leaving the old array lying around) GC.Collect(); // Add the publication to the end of PublicationList[] if (PublicationList == null) PublicationList = new Publication[1]; else { Array.Resize(ref PublicationList, PublicationList.Length + 1); } PublicationList[PublicationList.GetUpperBound(0)] = publication; } } /// /// Strip the next publication off of the top of the string. /// /// A string containing the Medline data, passed /// by reference so that the first publication can be stripped off /// A publication that will contain the next publication in the Medline stream /// True if a publication was read, false otherwise private static bool GetNextPublication(ref string MedlineData, out Publication publication, PublicationTypes pubTypes) { Publication PublicationToWrite = new Publication(); string line; StringReader reader = new StringReader(MedlineData); // Skip past any blank lines at the top of the publication // Return null if there are no more publications line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { // There are no more publications publication = new Publication(); return false; } else if (line.Trim().Length == 0) { // There are blank lines to skip. Read each line, and if it's blank // advance MedlineData past it. while (line.Trim().Length == 0) { MedlineData = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader = new StringReader(MedlineData); line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { publication = new Publication(); return false; } } // MedlineData is now set to the first line after the blanks } // Never mind, set reader back to the beginning of MedlineData reader = new StringReader(MedlineData); // Read the next line, and keep reading until it hits a blank line // or the end of the file while (((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) && (line.Trim().Length != 0)) { // Take each following line that starts with a space and add them // to the end of the current line while (reader.Peek() == ' ') line = line + " " + reader.ReadLine().Trim(); Publications.ProcessMedlineTag(ref PublicationToWrite, line, pubTypes); } MedlineData = reader.ReadToEnd(); publication = PublicationToWrite; return true; } /// /// Initialize the publication from the database /// /// Database to read from /// PMID of the publication /// The publication to write /// Set SkipMeSHHeadingsAndGrants to true to skip reading MeSH headings and grants /// True if the publication was found, false otherwise public static bool GetPublication(Database DB, int PMID, out Publication publication, bool SkipMeSHHeadingsAndGrants) { publication = new Publication(); publication.PMID = PMID; // Read the publication information ArrayList Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(PMID)); DataTable Results = DB.ExecuteQuery( @"SELECT Journal, Year, Authors, Month, Day, Title, Volume, Issue, Pages, PubType FROM Publications WHERE PMID = ?", Parameters); if (Results.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("Article " + PMID.ToString() + " not found"); } DataRow Row = Results.Rows[0]; publication.Year = (int)Row["Year"]; publication.Journal = Row["Journal"].Equals(DBNull.Value) ? null : Row["Journal"].ToString(); publication.Month = Row["Month"].Equals(DBNull.Value) ? null : Row["Month"].ToString(); publication.Day = Row["Day"].Equals(DBNull.Value) ? null : Row["Day"].ToString(); publication.Title = Row["Title"].Equals(DBNull.Value) ? null : Row["Title"].ToString(); publication.Volume = Row["Volume"].Equals(DBNull.Value) ? null : Row["Volume"].ToString(); publication.Issue = Row["Issue"].Equals(DBNull.Value) ? null : Row["Issue"].ToString(); publication.Pages = Row["Pages"].Equals(DBNull.Value) ? null : Row["Pages"].ToString(); publication.PubType = Row["PubType"].Equals(DBNull.Value) ? null : Row["PubType"].ToString(); // Read the authors Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(PMID)); Results = DB.ExecuteQuery( @"SELECT Author FROM PublicationAuthors WHERE PMID = ? ORDER BY Position", Parameters); if (Results.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("No authors found for publication " + PMID.ToString()); } publication.Authors = new string[Results.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < Results.Rows.Count; i++) { publication.Authors[i] = Results.Rows[i]["Author"].ToString(); } if (SkipMeSHHeadingsAndGrants == false) { // Read the MeSH headings Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(PMID)); Results = DB.ExecuteQuery( @"SELECT mh.Heading FROM MeSHHEadings mh, PublicationMeSHHeadings pm WHERE pm.PMID = ? AND mh.ID = pm.MeSHHeadingID", Parameters); // MeSHHeadings was initialized to null, so only set it if there are rows returned if (Results.Rows.Count != 0) { publication.MeSHHeadings = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < Results.Rows.Count; i++) { publication.MeSHHeadings.Add(Results.Rows[i]["Heading"].ToString()); } } // Read the grants Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(PMID)); Results = DB.ExecuteQuery( @"SELECT GrantID FROM PublicationGrants WHERE PMID = ?", Parameters); // Grants was initialized to null, so only set it if there are rows returned if (Results.Rows.Count != 0) { publication.Grants = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < Results.Rows.Count; i++) { publication.Grants.Add(Results.Rows[i]["GrantID"].ToString()); } } } return true; } /// /// Read a string containing a Medline tag and its data and populate the /// appropriate property /// /// A Medline tag and its data (with newlines stripped out) public static void ProcessMedlineTag(ref Publication publication, string MedlineTag, PublicationTypes pubTypes) { // Verify that the string is really a tag -- it must start with four characters // followed by a dash and a space. If not, don't process it. if ((MedlineTag.Length < 6) || (MedlineTag.Substring(4, 2) != "- ")) return; string data = MedlineTag.Substring(5).Trim(); // Process the tags switch (MedlineTag.Substring(0, 4).Trim()) { case "PMID": // "PMID- 16319490" if (IsNumeric(data)) publication.PMID = Convert.ToInt32(data); else publication.PMID = 0; break; case "DP": // "DP - 2005 Nov 24" if (IsNumeric(data.Substring(0, 4))) { // Grab the year first, then the rest is month and day. publication.Year = Convert.ToInt32(data.Substring(0, 4)); data = data.Substring(4).Trim(); if (data.Contains(" ")) { publication.Month = data.Substring(0, data.IndexOf(" ")); publication.Day = data.Substring(data.IndexOf(" ") + 1); } else { if (data.Length != 0) publication.Month = data; } } break; case "TI": // "TI - Title..." publication.Title = data; break; case "TA": // "TA - Hum Hered" publication.Journal = data; break; case "GR": // "GR - GM 28356/GM/NIGMS" // GrantID should contain a comma-delimit list of grant IDs if (publication.Grants == null) publication.Grants = new ArrayList(); publication.Grants.Add(data); break; case "PT": // "PT - Clinical Trial" // Only copy PubType if it's the first PT tag encountered in this // publication or if the publication type is flagged as an // "override first category" publication type if (publication.PubType == null) publication.PubType = data; else if (pubTypes.OverrideFirstCategory.ContainsKey(data)) publication.PubType = data; break; case "IP": // "IP - 3" publication.Issue = data; break; case "PG": // "PG - 134-142" publication.Pages = data; break; case "LA": // "LA - eng" publication.Language = data.ToLower(); break; case "VI": // "VI - 60" publication.Volume = data; break; case "AU": // "AU - Wang T" // If this is the first author, create the Authors array if (publication.Authors == null) { publication.Authors = new string[1]; publication.Authors[0] = data; } else { // Otherwise, copy the author to the end of the Authors array string[] temp = new string[publication.Authors.Length + 1]; publication.Authors.CopyTo(temp, 0); publication.Authors = temp; publication.Authors[publication.Authors.GetUpperBound(0)] = data; } break; case "MH": // "AU - Wang T" // If this is the first MeSH heading, create the new ArrayList if (publication.MeSHHeadings == null) { publication.MeSHHeadings = new ArrayList(); } publication.MeSHHeadings.Add(data.ToString()); break; } } /// /// Add the current publication to the database /// /// Publication to write /// Database to add to /// PublicationTypes object /// The publication must match one of these languages or it will be rejected /// True if the publication was written or is in the database already, false otherwise public static bool WriteToDB(Publication publication, Database DB, PublicationTypes PubTypes,string[] Languages) { ArrayList Parameters; // If the object already exists in the database, do nothing Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(publication.PMID)); int Count = DB.GetIntValue( @"SELECT Count(*) FROM Publications p WHERE p.PMID = ?", Parameters ); if (Count > 0) return true; // Return true because the publication is in the database // Only write a publication if the language matches one of the languages // passed in the Languages parameter -- if Languages is null, accept // all values if (Languages != null) { bool Found = false; foreach (string Language in Languages) { if (publication.Language == Language) Found = true; } if (!Found) return false; // Return false because the publication wasn't written } // Add the authors // First delete any authors that are there, in case the add was // interrupted partway through for (int Position = 0; Position <= publication.Authors.GetUpperBound(0); Position++) { int First = (Position == 0) ? 1 : 0; int Last = (Position == publication.Authors.GetUpperBound(0)) ? 1 : 0; Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(publication.PMID)); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Position + 1)); // The first author position is 1, not 0 Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Database.Left(publication.Authors[Position],70))); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(First)); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Last)); DB.ExecuteNonQuery( @"INSERT INTO PublicationAuthors (PMID, Position, Author, First, Last) VALUES (? , ? , ? , ? , ?)" , Parameters); } // Add the MeSH headings for (int Heading = 0; (publication.MeSHHeadings != null) && (Heading < publication.MeSHHeadings.Count); Heading++) { // If the MeSH heading already exists in the MeSHHeadings table, reuse it, // otherwise add it int ID; string MeSHHeading = Database.Left((string)publication.MeSHHeadings[Heading], 255); Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(MeSHHeading)); DataTable Results = DB.ExecuteQuery("SELECT ID FROM MeSHHeadings WHERE Heading = ?", Parameters); if (Results.Rows.Count > 0) { ID = Convert.ToInt32(Results.Rows[0][0]); } else { Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(MeSHHeading)); DB.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO MeSHHeadings (Heading) VALUES (?)", Parameters); ID = DB.GetIntValue("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"); } Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(publication.PMID)); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(ID)); DB.ExecuteNonQuery( @"INSERT INTO PublicationMeSHHeadings (PMID, MeSHHeadingID) VALUES ( ? , ? )", Parameters); } // Add the grants for (int Grant = 0; (publication.Grants != null) && (Grant < publication.Grants.Count); Grant++) { // Some publications may have duplicate grants, so only add non-duplicates to avoid // primary key problems string GrantID = Database.Left((string)publication.Grants[Grant], 50); Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(publication.PMID)); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(GrantID)); if (DB.GetIntValue( @"SELECT Count(*) FROM PublicationGrants WHERE PMID = ? AND GrantID = ?", Parameters) == 0) { Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(publication.PMID)); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(GrantID)); DB.ExecuteNonQuery( @"INSERT INTO PublicationGrants (PMID, GrantID) VALUES ( ? , ? )", Parameters); } } Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(publication.PMID)); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Database.Left(publication.Journal, 128))); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(publication.Year)); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(publication.Authors.Length)); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Database.Left(publication.Month, 32))); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Database.Left(publication.Day, 32))); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Database.Left(publication.Title,244))); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Database.Left(publication.Volume, 32))); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Database.Left(publication.Issue, 32))); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Database.Left(publication.Pages, 50))); // Finally, add the publication. This is part of the publication fault // tolerance system -- the headings and authors are not "final" until // the publication is written, and can be cleared from the database using // Harvester.ClearDataAfterInterruption(). // Publication type processing -- read the publication type file, // create the publication type table, add the types, file types into bins Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(publication.PubType)); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(PubTypes.GetCategoryNumber(publication.PubType))); DB.ExecuteNonQuery( @"INSERT INTO Publications (PMID, Journal, Year, Authors, Month, Day, Title, Volume, Issue, Pages, PubType, PubTypeCategoryID) VALUES (? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? )", Parameters); return true; } /// /// Add a row to PeoplePublications for a person and publication /// /// Database to write to /// Person who is the author of the publication /// Publication to write public static void WritePeoplePublicationsToDB(Database DB, Person person, Publication publication) { ArrayList Parameters; int AuthorPosition = 0; for (int i = 1; (AuthorPosition == 0) && (i <= publication.Authors.Length); i++) foreach (string name in person.Names) if (StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase.Equals( publication.Authors[i - 1], name.ToUpper() )) AuthorPosition = i; // From the SRS -- definition of position type: // • 1 if the person is the first author // • 2 if the person is the last author // • 3 if the person is the second author -- only if # authors >= 5 // • 4 if the person is the next-to-last author -- only if # authors >= 5 // • 5 if the person is in the middle (and there are five or more authors for the publication) Harvester.AuthorPositions PositionType; if (AuthorPosition == 1) PositionType = Harvester.AuthorPositions.First; else if (AuthorPosition == publication.Authors.Length) PositionType = Harvester.AuthorPositions.Last; else if ( (AuthorPosition == 2) && (publication.Authors.Length >= 5) ) PositionType = Harvester.AuthorPositions.Second; else if ((AuthorPosition == publication.Authors.Length - 1) && (publication.Authors.Length >= 5)) PositionType = Harvester.AuthorPositions.NextToLast; else PositionType = Harvester.AuthorPositions.Middle; // Write the row to PeoplePublications Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(person.Setnb)); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(publication.PMID)); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(AuthorPosition)); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter((int)PositionType)); DB.ExecuteNonQuery(@"INSERT INTO PeoplePublications (Setnb, PMID, AuthorPosition, PositionType) VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? )", Parameters); } /// /// Implements the equivalent of VB's IsNumeric() function /// /// Expression to evaluate /// Returns true if the expression is numeric, false otherwise public static bool IsNumeric(object Expression) { bool isNum; double retNum; isNum = Double.TryParse(Convert.ToString(Expression), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out retNum); return isNum; } /// /// Get the author position from the PeoplePublications table /// /// The Person to search for /// The value in PeoplePublications.PositionType /// The author position (or 0 if not found) public static int GetAuthorPosition(Database DB, int PMID, Person person, out Harvester.AuthorPositions PositionType, string PeoplePublicationsTable) { ArrayList Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(PMID)); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(person.Setnb)); DataTable Results = DB.ExecuteQuery( @"SELECT AuthorPosition, PositionType FROM " + PeoplePublicationsTable + @" WHERE PMID = ? AND Setnb = ?", Parameters); if (Results.Rows.Count == 0) { PositionType = 0; return 0; } else { PositionType = (Harvester.AuthorPositions) Convert.ToInt32(Results.Rows[0]["PositionType"]); return Convert.ToInt32(Results.Rows[0]["AuthorPosition"]); } } } }