/* * Publication Harvester * Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Stellman & Greene Consulting * Developed for Joshua Zivin and Pierre Azoulay, Columbia University * http://www.stellman-greene.com/PublicationHarvester * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program (GPL.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Data; using NUnit.Framework; namespace Com.StellmanGreene.PubMed.Unit_Tests { /// /// Test the harvester class /// Note that CreateTables() is tested thoroughly in the other unit tests /// [TestFixture] public class TestHarvester { /// /// Set up the database with data from Input1.XLS using the Mock NCBI object /// (this is also called from TestReports()) /// /// True if the MockNCBI object is supposed to throw an error public static void GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(bool NCBISearchThrowsAnError, string[] Languages, int ExpectedPublications) { bool TablesCreated; int NumPeople; int NumHarvestedPeople; int NumPublications; int NumErrors; Database DB = new Database("Publication Harvester Unit Test"); // Drop all tables and make sure the database reports as empty foreach (string Table in new string[] { "meshheadings", "people", "peoplepublications", "publicationauthors", "publicationmeshheadings", "publications", "pubtypecategories" }) { DB.ExecuteNonQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + Table); DB.GetStatus(out TablesCreated, out NumPeople, out NumHarvestedPeople, out NumPublications, out NumErrors); Assert.IsFalse(TablesCreated); Assert.AreEqual(NumPeople, 0); Assert.AreEqual(NumHarvestedPeople, 0); Assert.AreEqual(NumPublications, 0); Assert.AreEqual(NumErrors, 0); } // Create and populate the tables Harvester harvester = new Harvester(DB); harvester.Languages = Languages; MockNCBI mockNCBI = new MockNCBI("medline"); mockNCBI.SearchThrowsAnError = NCBISearchThrowsAnError; PublicationTypes ptc = new PublicationTypes( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestPublicationTypes", "PublicationTypes.csv" ); // Reinitialize the database harvester.CreateTables(); ptc.WriteToDB(DB); // Retrieve the publications for each person in input1.xls using GetPublications() People PeopleFromFile = new People( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestPeople", "input1.xls"); // Make an anonymous callback function that keeps track of the callback data int Callbacks = 0; // this will count all of the publications Harvester.GetPublicationsStatus StatusCallback = delegate(int number, int total, int averageTime) { Callbacks++; }; // Make an anonymous callback function to do nothing for GetPublicationsMessage Harvester.GetPublicationsMessage MessageCallback = delegate(string Message, bool StatusBarOnly) { // }; // Make an anonymous callback function to return false for CheckForInterrupt Harvester.CheckForInterrupt InterruptCallback = delegate() { return false; }; // Verify that the database was created and populated properly DB.GetStatus(out TablesCreated, out NumPeople, out NumHarvestedPeople, out NumPublications, out NumErrors); Assert.IsTrue(TablesCreated); Assert.AreEqual(NumPeople, 0); Assert.AreEqual(NumHarvestedPeople, 0); Assert.AreEqual(NumPublications, 0); Assert.AreEqual(NumErrors, 0); int PeopleCount = 0; int HarvestedCount = 0; int PubCount = 0; foreach (Person person in PeopleFromFile.PersonList) { double AverageMilliseconds; // First write the person to the database person.WriteToDB(DB); PeopleCount++; // Check that the database status is updated properly DB.GetStatus(out TablesCreated, out NumPeople, out NumHarvestedPeople, out NumPublications, out NumErrors); Assert.IsTrue(TablesCreated); Assert.AreEqual(NumPeople, PeopleCount); if (!NCBISearchThrowsAnError) Assert.AreEqual(NumHarvestedPeople, HarvestedCount); else Assert.AreEqual(NumHarvestedPeople, 0); Assert.AreEqual(NumPublications, PubCount); if (!NCBISearchThrowsAnError) Assert.AreEqual(NumErrors, 0); else Assert.AreEqual(NumErrors, PeopleCount - 1); // Harvest the person's publications PubCount += harvester.GetPublications(mockNCBI, ptc, person, StatusCallback, MessageCallback, InterruptCallback, out AverageMilliseconds); HarvestedCount++; // Check the status again after the people were harvested DB.GetStatus(out TablesCreated, out NumPeople, out NumHarvestedPeople, out NumPublications, out NumErrors); Assert.IsTrue(TablesCreated); Assert.AreEqual(NumPeople, PeopleCount); if (!NCBISearchThrowsAnError) Assert.AreEqual(NumHarvestedPeople, HarvestedCount); else Assert.AreEqual(NumHarvestedPeople, 0); Assert.AreEqual(NumPublications, PubCount); if (!NCBISearchThrowsAnError) Assert.AreEqual(NumErrors, 0); else Assert.AreEqual(NumErrors, PeopleCount); } // Verify that the database was written properly if (!NCBISearchThrowsAnError) Assert.IsTrue(Callbacks == 24); else Assert.IsTrue(Callbacks == 0); DB.GetStatus(out TablesCreated, out NumPeople, out NumHarvestedPeople, out NumPublications, out NumErrors); Assert.IsTrue(TablesCreated); Assert.AreEqual(NumPeople, 4); if (!NCBISearchThrowsAnError) { Assert.AreEqual(NumHarvestedPeople, 4); Assert.AreEqual(NumPublications, ExpectedPublications); Assert.AreEqual(NumErrors, 0); } else { Assert.AreEqual(NumHarvestedPeople, 0); Assert.AreEqual(NumPublications, 0); Assert.AreEqual(NumErrors, 4); } } /// /// Import people from a file, then verify they were written correcty /// Use input1.xls from TestPeople /// [Test] public void GetPeopleFromInputXLS() { // Import input1.xls into the database Database DB = new Database("Publication Harvester Unit Test"); Harvester harvester = new Harvester(DB); harvester.CreateTables(); harvester.ImportPeople(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestPeople\\input1.xls"); DataTable Results = DB.ExecuteQuery( @"SELECT Setnb, First, Middle, Last, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, MedlineSearch, Harvested, Error, ErrorMessage FROM People" ); // Test each person for (int Row = 0; Row < Results.Rows.Count; Row++) { Person person = new Person(Results.Rows[Row], Results.Columns); switch (person.Setnb) { case "A6009400": Assert.IsTrue(person.First == "Jan"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Middle == ""); Assert.IsTrue(person.Last == "Van Eys"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Names.Length == 3); Assert.IsTrue(person.Names[0] == "van eys j"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Names[1] == "vaneys j"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Names[2] == "eys jv"); Assert.IsTrue(person.MedlineSearch == "(\"van eys j\"[au] OR \"vaneys j\"[au] OR \"eys jv\"[au])"); break; case "A5401532": Assert.IsTrue(person.First == "Louis"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Middle == ""); Assert.IsTrue(person.Last == "Tobian"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Names.Length == 3); Assert.IsTrue(person.Names[0] == "tobian l"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Names[1] == "tobian l jr"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Names[2] == "tobian lj"); Assert.IsTrue(person.MedlineSearch == "(\"tobian l\"[au] OR \"tobian l jr\"[au] OR \"tobian lj\"[au])"); break; case "A5501586": Assert.IsTrue(person.First == "Keith"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Middle == "B"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Last == "Reemtsma"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Names.Length == 4); Assert.IsTrue(person.Names[0] == "reemtsma k"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Names[1] == "reemtsma kb"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Names[2] == "test data"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Names[3] == "more test data"); Assert.IsTrue(person.MedlineSearch == "((\"reemtsma k\"[au] OR \"reemtsma kb\"[au]) AND 1956:2000[dp])"); break; case "A5702471": Assert.IsTrue(person.First == "Roger"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Middle == ""); Assert.IsTrue(person.Last == "Guillemin"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Names.Length == 2); Assert.IsTrue(person.Names[0] == "guillemin r"); Assert.IsTrue(person.Names[1] == "guillemin rc"); Assert.IsTrue(person.MedlineSearch == "(\"guillemin rc\"[au] OR (\"guillemin r\"[au] NOT (Electrodiagn Ther[ta] OR Phys Rev Lett[ta] OR vegas[ad] OR lindle[au])))" ); break; } } } /// /// Test GetPublications using a mock NCBI object /// [Test] public void GetPublications() { // Set up the database TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, new string[] { "eng" }, 22); Database DB = new Database("Publication Harvester Unit Test"); PublicationTypes ptc = new PublicationTypes( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestPublicationTypes", "PublicationTypes.csv" ); // Verify the correct publications were written (including publication type and author position) People people = new People(DB); Assert.IsTrue(people.PersonList.Count == 4); int FoundPublications = 0; foreach (Person person in people.PersonList) { Publications pubs = new Publications(DB, person, false); switch (person.Setnb) { case "A6009400": // Van Eys Assert.IsTrue(pubs.PublicationList.Length == 8); foreach (Publication pub in pubs.PublicationList) switch (pub.PMID) { case 9876482: FoundPublications++; Assert.IsTrue(pub.Title == "Benefits of nutritional intervention on nutritional status, quality of life and survival."); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Pages == "66-8"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Year == 1998); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Month == null); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Day == null); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Journal == "Int J Cancer Suppl"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Volume == "11"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Issue == null); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors.Length == 1); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors[0] == "Van Eys J"); // Verify publication type Assert.IsTrue(pub.PubType == "Journal Article"); Assert.IsTrue(ptc.GetCategoryNumber(pub.PubType) == 3); // Verify MeSH headings Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Count == 8); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("Child")); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("Nutrition Disorders/*complications/*therapy")); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("Survival Rate")); // Verify position type Harvester.AuthorPositions PositionType; int AuthorPosition = Publications.GetAuthorPosition(DB, pub.PMID, person, out PositionType, "PeoplePublications"); Assert.IsTrue(AuthorPosition == 1); Assert.IsTrue(PositionType == Harvester.AuthorPositions.First); AuthorPosition = person.GetAuthorPosition(DB, pub, out PositionType); Assert.IsTrue(AuthorPosition == 1); Assert.IsTrue(PositionType == Harvester.AuthorPositions.First); break; case 8403744: FoundPublications++; Assert.IsTrue(pub.Title == "Early hospital discharge and the timing of newborn metabolic screening."); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Pages == "463-6"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Year == 1993); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Month == "Aug"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Day == null); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Journal == "Clin Pediatr (Phila)"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Volume == "32"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Issue == "8"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors.Length == 4); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors[0] == "Coody D"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors[1] == "Yetman RJ"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors[2] == "Montgomery D"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors[3] == "van Eys J"); // Verify publication type Assert.IsTrue(pub.PubType == "Consensus Development Conference, NIH"); Assert.IsTrue(ptc.GetCategoryNumber(pub.PubType) == 1); // Verify MeSH headings Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Count == 15); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("Cesarean Section")); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("Hospitals, Private")); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("*Insurance, Health")); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("United States")); // Verify position type AuthorPosition = Publications.GetAuthorPosition(DB, pub.PMID, person, out PositionType, "PeoplePublications"); Assert.IsTrue(AuthorPosition == 4); Assert.IsTrue(PositionType == Harvester.AuthorPositions.Last); AuthorPosition = person.GetAuthorPosition(DB, pub, out PositionType); Assert.IsTrue(AuthorPosition == 4); Assert.IsTrue(PositionType == Harvester.AuthorPositions.Last); break; } break; case "A5401532": // Tobian Assert.IsTrue(pubs.PublicationList.Length == 5); foreach (Publication pub in pubs.PublicationList) switch (pub.PMID) { case 9931073: FoundPublications++; Assert.IsTrue(pub.Title == "Story of the birth of the journal called Hypertension."); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Pages == "7"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Year == 1999); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Month == "Jan"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Day == null); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Volume == "33"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Issue == "1"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors.Length == 1); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors[0] == "Tobian L"); // Verify publication type Assert.IsTrue(pub.PubType == "Historical Article"); Assert.IsTrue(ptc.GetCategoryNumber(pub.PubType) == 0); // Verify MeSH headings Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Count == 5); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("American Heart Association/*history")); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("*Hypertension")); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("United States")); // Verify position type Harvester.AuthorPositions PositionType; int AuthorPosition = Publications.GetAuthorPosition(DB, pub.PMID, person, out PositionType, "PeoplePublications"); Assert.IsTrue(AuthorPosition == 1); Assert.IsTrue(PositionType == Harvester.AuthorPositions.First); AuthorPosition = person.GetAuthorPosition(DB, pub, out PositionType); Assert.IsTrue(AuthorPosition == 1); Assert.IsTrue(PositionType == Harvester.AuthorPositions.First); break; } break; case "A5501586": // Reemtsma Assert.IsTrue(pubs.PublicationList.Length == 3); foreach (Publication pub in pubs.PublicationList) switch (pub.PMID) { case 11528018: FoundPublications++; Assert.IsTrue(pub.Title == "Xenotransplantation: A Historical Perspective."); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Pages == "9-12"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Year == 1995); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Month == null); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Day == null); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Volume == "37"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Issue == "1"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors.Length == 1); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors[0] == "Reemtsma K"); // Verify publication type Assert.IsTrue(pub.PubType == "JOURNAL ARTICLE"); Assert.IsTrue(ptc.GetCategoryNumber(pub.PubType) == 3); // Verify MeSH headings Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings == null); // Verify position type Harvester.AuthorPositions PositionType; int AuthorPosition = Publications.GetAuthorPosition(DB, pub.PMID, person, out PositionType, "PeoplePublications"); Assert.IsTrue(AuthorPosition == 1); Assert.IsTrue(PositionType == Harvester.AuthorPositions.First); AuthorPosition = person.GetAuthorPosition(DB, pub, out PositionType); Assert.IsTrue(AuthorPosition == 1); Assert.IsTrue(PositionType == Harvester.AuthorPositions.First); break; } break; case "A5702471": // Guillemin Assert.IsTrue(pubs.PublicationList.Length == 6); foreach (Publication pub in pubs.PublicationList) switch (pub.PMID) { case 15642779: // For this publication, we're just concerned that // the publication type is "Review" -- even though // it's the second publication type in the citation, // it's flagged as an "override first pubtype" // in PublicationTypes.csv Assert.IsTrue(pub.PubType == "Review"); break; case 12462241: FoundPublications++; Assert.IsTrue(pub.Title == "Nobel laureates' letter to President Bush."); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Pages == "A02"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Year == 2001); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Month == "Feb"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Day == "22"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Journal == "Washington Post"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Volume == null); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Issue == null); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors.Length == 82); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors[0] == "Arrow KJ"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors[26] == "Guillemin R"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors[81] == "Wilson RW"); // Verify publication type Assert.IsTrue(pub.PubType == "Newspaper Article"); Assert.IsTrue(ptc.GetCategoryNumber(pub.PubType) == 0); // Verify MeSH headings Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Count == 9); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("Embryo Disposition")); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("National Institutes of Health (U.S.)")); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("United States")); // Verify position type Harvester.AuthorPositions PositionType; int AuthorPosition = Publications.GetAuthorPosition(DB, pub.PMID, person, out PositionType, "PeoplePublications"); Assert.IsTrue(AuthorPosition == 27); Assert.IsTrue(PositionType == Harvester.AuthorPositions.Middle); AuthorPosition = person.GetAuthorPosition(DB, pub, out PositionType); Assert.IsTrue(AuthorPosition == 27); Assert.IsTrue(PositionType == Harvester.AuthorPositions.Middle); break; case 3086749: // This publication was altered to contain six GrantIDs in order to // test the GrantID column length in the database FoundPublications++; Assert.IsTrue(pub.Title == "Pituitary FSH is released by a heterodimer of the beta-subunits from the two forms of inhibin."); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Pages == "779-82"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Year == 1986); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Month == "Jun"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Day == "19-25"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Journal == "Nature"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Volume == "321"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Issue == "6072"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors.Length == 7); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors[0] == "Ling N"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors[4] == "Esch F"); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors[6] == "Guillemin R"); // Verify publication type Assert.IsTrue(pub.PubType == "Journal Article"); Assert.IsTrue(ptc.GetCategoryNumber(pub.PubType) == 3); // Verify MeSH headings Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Count == 14); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("Amino Acid Sequence")); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("Follicle Stimulating Hormone/*secretion")); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("Swine")); // Verify position type AuthorPosition = Publications.GetAuthorPosition(DB, pub.PMID, person, out PositionType, "PeoplePublications"); Assert.IsTrue(AuthorPosition == 7); Assert.IsTrue(PositionType == Harvester.AuthorPositions.Last); AuthorPosition = person.GetAuthorPosition(DB, pub, out PositionType); Assert.IsTrue(AuthorPosition == 7); Assert.IsTrue(PositionType == Harvester.AuthorPositions.Last); break; } break; } } Assert.IsTrue(FoundPublications == 6); // Verify that People.Harvested has been updated for each person DataTable Results = DB.ExecuteQuery("SELECT Setnb, Harvested FROM People"); Assert.IsTrue(Results.Rows.Count == 4); foreach (DataRow Row in Results.Rows) { Assert.IsTrue((bool)Row["Harvested"] == true); } } /// /// Use OtherPeople.dat to make sure the data is processed properly /// OtherPeople.dat contains Medline citations for boundary cases /// that required bug fixes. /// [Test] public void TestOtherPeople() { // Note: Publication 14560782 was added to OtherPeople.dat to verify // that the software handles the situation where a publication has // no authors listed. Database DB = new Database("Publication Harvester Unit Test"); Harvester harvester = new Harvester(DB); MockNCBI mockNCBI = new MockNCBI("medline"); PublicationTypes ptc = new PublicationTypes( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestPublicationTypes", "PublicationTypes.csv" ); // Reinitialize the database harvester.CreateTables(); // Make an anonymous callback function that keeps track of the callback data int Callbacks = 0; // this will count all of the publications Harvester.GetPublicationsStatus StatusCallback = delegate(int number, int total, int averageTime) { Callbacks++; }; // Make an anonymous callback function to do nothing for GetPublicationsMessage Harvester.GetPublicationsMessage MessageCallback = delegate(string Message, bool StatusBarOnly) { // }; // Make an anonymous callback function to return false for CheckForInterrupt Harvester.CheckForInterrupt InterruptCallback = delegate() { return false; }; // Create a new person to test string[] names = new string[2]; names[0] = "Klein RG"; names[1] = "Guillemin R"; Person person = new Person("A1234567", "FIRST", "MIDDLE", "LAST", false, names, "Special query for OtherPeople.dat"); person.WriteToDB(DB); double AverageMilliseconds; harvester.GetPublications(mockNCBI, ptc, person, StatusCallback, MessageCallback, InterruptCallback, out AverageMilliseconds); // Verify that the data was written properly int FoundPublications = 0; Publications pubs = new Publications(DB, person, false); foreach (Publication pub in pubs.PublicationList) { FoundPublications++; switch (pub.PMID) { case 12679283: // The weird part of this publication is the second MeSH heading, which is very long Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Count == 23); Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains( "Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders/etiology/*prevention & control/psychology")); break; case 2417121: // The weird part of this publication is the date, which has a weird format that causes // the day to be long Assert.IsTrue(pub.Day == "19-1986 Jan 1"); break; case 6148773: // One of the headers is long Assert.IsTrue(pub.MeSHHeadings.Contains("Peptide Fragments/antagonists & inhibitors/chemical synthesis/diagnostic use/isolation & purification/pharmacology/*physiology")); break; case 16291338: // One of the authors is long Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors.Length == 8); Assert.IsTrue(pub.Authors[7] == "For The Michigan Alliance For The National Children's Study"); break; case 15451956: // Volume is long Assert.IsTrue(pub.Volume == "Suppl Web Exclusives"); break; case 14653276: // Issue is long Assert.IsTrue(pub.Issue == "5 Suppl Nitric Oxide"); break; case 9965612: // Journal name is long Assert.IsTrue(pub.Journal == "PHYSICAL REVIEW. E. STATISTICAL PHYSICS, PLASMAS, FLUIDS, AND RELATED INTERDISCIPLINARY TOPICS"); break; case 9469584: // Title is long Assert.IsTrue(pub.Title == Database.Left("Down-regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis in sitosterolemia: diminished activities of acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase, reductase, squalene synthase, and 7-dehydrocholesterol delta7-reductase in liver and mononuclear leukocytes." , 244)); break; case 2545230: // Month is long Assert.IsTrue(pub.Month == "Spring-Summer"); break; default: break; } } Assert.IsTrue(FoundPublications == 13); } /// /// Verify that ClearDataAfterInterruption() actually clears data properly /// (using data inserted in Test /// [Test] public void TestClearingDataAfterInterruption() { // Set up the database TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, new string[] { "eng" }, 22); Database DB = new Database("Publication Harvester Unit Test"); Harvester harvester = new Harvester(DB); // Add a grant for publication 12462241, since it doesn't have one ArrayList Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(12462241)); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter("Fake grant ID")); DB.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO PublicationGrants (PMID, GrantID) VALUES ( ? , ? )", Parameters); // Verify that InterruptedDataExists and UnharvestedPeopleExist both return false Assert.IsFalse(harvester.InterruptedDataExists()); Assert.IsFalse(harvester.UnharvestedPeopleExist()); // Verify that there are publications for Tobian (setnb A5401532) // (there should be 5 publications) Assert.IsTrue(DB.GetIntValue( @"SELECT Count(*) FROM PeoplePublications WHERE Setnb = 'A5401532'") == 5); int TotalPublicationsBeforeClear = DB.GetIntValue("SELECT Count(*) FROM PeoplePublications"); // Verify that there are authors and MeSH headings for publication 12462241 // (which belongs to Guillemin, and should have 82 authors and 9 headings) Assert.IsTrue(DB.GetIntValue( @"SELECT Count(*) FROM PublicationMeSHHeadings WHERE PMID = 12462241") == 9); int TotalHeadingsBeforeClear = DB.GetIntValue("SELECT Count(*) FROM PublicationMeSHHeadings"); Assert.IsTrue(DB.GetIntValue( @"SELECT Count(*) FROM PublicationAuthors WHERE PMID = 12462241") == 82); int TotalAuthorsBeforeClear = DB.GetIntValue("SELECT Count(*) FROM PublicationAuthors"); Assert.IsTrue(DB.GetIntValue( @"SELECT Count(*) FROM PublicationGrants WHERE PMID = 12462241") == 1); int TotalGrantsBeforeClear = DB.GetIntValue("SELECT Count(*) FROM PublicationGrants"); // Set Tobian's Harvested to 0 DB.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE People SET Harvested = 0 WHERE Setnb = 'A5401532'"); // Remove publication 12462241 DB.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM Publications WHERE PMID = 12462241"); // Verify that InterruptedDataExists and UnharvestedPeopleExist both return true Assert.IsTrue(harvester.InterruptedDataExists()); Assert.IsTrue(harvester.UnharvestedPeopleExist()); // Execute ClearDataAfterInterruption harvester.ClearDataAfterInterruption(); // Verify that InterruptedDataExists returns false again, now that // the intterrupted data has been cleared, but that there are still // unharvested people Assert.IsFalse(harvester.InterruptedDataExists()); Assert.IsTrue(harvester.UnharvestedPeopleExist()); // Verify that only Tobian's publications have been removed Assert.IsTrue( DB.GetIntValue("SELECT Count(*) FROM PeoplePublications") == TotalPublicationsBeforeClear - 5); // Verify that only publication 12462241's grants, headings and authors have been removed Assert.IsTrue( DB.GetIntValue("SELECT Count(*) FROM PublicationMeSHHeadings") == TotalHeadingsBeforeClear - 9); Assert.IsTrue( DB.GetIntValue("SELECT Count(*) FROM PublicationAuthors") == TotalAuthorsBeforeClear - 82); Assert.IsTrue( DB.GetIntValue("SELECT Count(*) FROM PublicationGrants") == TotalGrantsBeforeClear - 1); } /// /// Verify that when the NCBI object throws an error, the correct error /// values are recorded in the database. /// [Test] public void TestNCBIError() { // Set up the database -- tell MockNCBI to throw an error // This function does all of the necessary testing. TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, new string[] { "eng" }, 22); } /// /// Verify that two people with the same names and search criteria will /// both be retrieved when one of them is harvested /// [Test] public void TestTwoPeopleWithSameNames() { Database DB = new Database("Publication Harvester Unit Test"); // Set up the database TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, new string[] { "eng" }, 22); // Add two people to the database with the same names and search criteria // (where the search should make MockNCBI use OtherPeople.dat) string[] names = new string[2]; names[0] = "Guy JF"; names[1] = "Guy J"; Person Joe = new Person("A1234567", "JOE", "FIRST", "GUY", false, names, "Special query for OtherPeople.dat"); Joe.WriteToDB(DB); Person Jane = new Person("Z7654321", "JANE", "FIFTH", "GUY", false, names, "Special query for OtherPeople.dat"); Jane.WriteToDB(DB); // Also add Jim, but give him an error so we can make sure it's cleared Person Jim = new Person("Q2222222", "JIM", "FOURTEENTH", "GUY", false, names, "Special query for OtherPeople.dat"); Jim.WriteToDB(DB); Jim.WriteErrorToDB(DB, "This is an error message"); PublicationTypes ptc = new PublicationTypes( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestPublicationTypes", "PublicationTypes.csv" ); // Make an anonymous callback function that keeps track of the callback data int Callbacks = 0; // this will count all of the publications Harvester.GetPublicationsStatus StatusCallback = delegate(int number, int total, int averageTime) { Callbacks++; }; // Make an anonymous callback function to do nothing for GetPublicationsMessage int MessageCallbacks = 0; Harvester.GetPublicationsMessage MessageCallback = delegate(string Message, bool StatusBarOnly) { // Only increment MessageCallbacks if the message contains Joe's Setnb // and the word "same" if ((Message.Contains("A1234567") || (Message.Contains("Q2222222")) && Message.Contains("same"))) MessageCallbacks++; }; // Make an anonymous callback function to return false for CheckForInterrupt Harvester.CheckForInterrupt InterruptCallback = delegate() { return false; }; // More stuff for the harvester Harvester harvester = new Harvester(DB); MockNCBI mockNCBI = new MockNCBI("medline"); double AverageMilliseconds; // Harvest the people harvester.GetPublications(mockNCBI, ptc, Jane, StatusCallback, MessageCallback, InterruptCallback, out AverageMilliseconds); // Make sure the harvester got Jane's publications DataTable Results = DB.ExecuteQuery("SELECT PMID FROM PeoplePublications WHERE Setnb = 'Z7654321'"); Assert.AreEqual(Results.Rows.Count, 3); foreach (DataRow Row in Results.Rows) { Assert.IsTrue( (Row["PMID"].ToString() == "2417121") || (Row["PMID"].ToString() == "12679283") || (Row["PMID"].ToString() == "14653276")); } ArrayList Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Jane.Setnb)); Results = DB.ExecuteQuery("SELECT Harvested, Error, ErrorMessage FROM People WHERE Setnb = ?", Parameters); Assert.AreEqual(Results.Rows[0]["Harvested"], true); Assert.AreEqual(Results.Rows[0]["Error"], DBNull.Value); Assert.AreEqual(Results.Rows[0]["ErrorMessage"].ToString(), ""); // It should also get Joe's publications. It should call MessageCallback() // twice to let us know Joe'and Jim's s publications were found, and it // should add the appropriate rows to PeoplePublications. Assert.AreEqual(MessageCallbacks, 2); Results = DB.ExecuteQuery("SELECT PMID FROM PeoplePublications WHERE Setnb = 'A1234567'"); Assert.AreEqual(Results.Rows.Count, 3); foreach (DataRow Row in Results.Rows) { Assert.IsTrue( (Row["PMID"].ToString() == "2417121") || (Row["PMID"].ToString() == "12679283") || (Row["PMID"].ToString() == "14653276")); } Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Joe.Setnb)); Results = DB.ExecuteQuery("SELECT " + Database.PEOPLE_COLUMNS + " FROM People WHERE Setnb = ?", Parameters); bool boolValue; // needed for GetBoolValue workaround for bit field bug in MySQL Assert.IsTrue(Database.GetBoolValue(Results.Rows[0]["Harvested"], out boolValue)); Assert.IsTrue(boolValue); Assert.IsTrue(Database.GetBoolValue(Results.Rows[0]["Error"], out boolValue)); Assert.IsFalse(boolValue); Assert.AreEqual(Results.Rows[0]["Error"], DBNull.Value); Assert.AreEqual(Results.Rows[0]["ErrorMessage"].ToString(), ""); // It should also get Jim's publications -- and it should also clear his error. Assert.AreEqual(MessageCallbacks, 2); Results = DB.ExecuteQuery("SELECT PMID FROM PeoplePublications WHERE Setnb = 'A1234567'"); Assert.AreEqual(Results.Rows.Count, 3); foreach (DataRow Row in Results.Rows) { Assert.IsTrue( (Row["PMID"].ToString() == "2417121") || (Row["PMID"].ToString() == "12679283") || (Row["PMID"].ToString() == "14653276")); } Parameters = new ArrayList(); Parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(Jim.Setnb)); Results = DB.ExecuteQuery("SELECT " + Database.PEOPLE_COLUMNS + "FROM People WHERE Setnb = ?", Parameters); Assert.IsTrue(Database.GetBoolValue(Results.Rows[0]["Harvested"], out boolValue)); Assert.AreEqual(boolValue, true); Assert.AreEqual(Results.Rows[0]["Error"], DBNull.Value); Assert.AreEqual(Results.Rows[0]["ErrorMessage"].ToString(), ""); } /// /// Verify that the Languages parameter works /// [Test] public void TestLanguages() { // GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI reads four people from // Input1.xls and writes their publications to the datbase using // MockNCBI. MockNCBI gets its test data from TestHarvester\*.dat. // There are 22 English publications that belong to the four people string[] Languages = { "eng" }; int ExpectedPublications = 22; TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, Languages, ExpectedPublications); // There's one Russian publication Languages = new string[] { "rus" }; ExpectedPublications = 1; TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, Languages, ExpectedPublications); // There's one Spanish publication Languages = new string[] { "spa" }; ExpectedPublications = 1; TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, Languages, ExpectedPublications); // There's one Russian and one Spanish publication -- two total Languages = new string[] { "spa", "rus" }; ExpectedPublications = 2; TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, Languages, ExpectedPublications); // There are no French or Portugese publications Languages = new string[] { "fre", "por" }; ExpectedPublications = 0; TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, Languages, ExpectedPublications); // There are 22 English and one Russian publication Languages = new string[] { "eng", "rus" }; ExpectedPublications = 23; TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, Languages, ExpectedPublications); Languages = null; ExpectedPublications = 24; TestHarvester.GetPublicationsFromInput1XLS_Using_MockNCBI(false, Languages, ExpectedPublications); } } }