using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Com.StellmanGreene.PubMed; using System.Collections; using System.Data; using System.IO; using NUnit.Framework; namespace SCGen.Unit_Tests { /// /// Test the StarColleagues report /// [TestFixture] public class TestStarColleaguesReport { // Objects used in tests Database DB; Harvester harvester; PublicationTypes PubTypes; NCBI ncbi; Roster roster; /// /// Use the tests from TestColleagues to set up the database, /// then find the colleagues, get their publications and /// remove false colleagues. /// [TestFixtureSetUp] public void TestStarColleaguesSetUp() { string[] Languages = { "eng" }; DoSetUp(out DB, out harvester, out PubTypes, out ncbi, Languages); roster = new Roster(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestRoster\\testroster.csv"); } /// /// Use the tests from TestColleagues to set up the database, /// then find the colleagues, get their publications and /// remove false colleagues. /// /// This is a static void so that it can be called by other tests. /// public static void DoSetUp(out Database DB, out Harvester harvester, out PublicationTypes PubTypes, out NCBI ncbi, string[] Languages) { // First recreate the database DB = new Database("Colleague Generator Unit Test"); ColleagueFinder.CreateTables(DB); // Then use the test fixture setup in TestColleagues to populate it TestColleagues testColleagues = new TestColleagues(); testColleagues.TestColleaguesSetUp(); // Write the publication types to the database PubTypes = new PublicationTypes( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestColleagues", "PublicationTypes.csv" ); PubTypes.WriteToDB(DB); // Create the other objects from the database harvester = new Harvester(DB); Roster roster = new Roster(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestRoster\\testroster.csv"); ncbi = new MockNCBI("Medline"); // Find the colleagues and publications ColleagueFinder finder = new ColleagueFinder(DB, roster, ncbi, null); People people = new People(DB); foreach (Person person in people.PersonList) { Person[] found = finder.FindPotentialColleagues(person); if (found != null) finder.GetColleaguePublications(found, new string[] { "eng" }, new List { 1, 2, 3 }); } // Remove false colleagues ColleagueFinder.RemoveFalseColleagues(DB, null); // Create the extra articles for Bunn and Tobian. // Verify that Bunn and Tobian have five articles in common, with years // ranging from 1993 to 2001. CreateExtraArticlesForTobianAndBunn(DB, PubTypes, Languages); DataTable Result = DB.ExecuteQuery( @"SELECT p.Year, p.PMID, pp.PositionType AS StarPositionType, cp.PositionType AS ColleaguePositionType, p.Journal FROM Publications p, ColleaguePublications cp, PeoplePublications pp WHERE pp.Setnb = 'A5401532' AND cp.Setnb = 'A4800524' AND p.PMID = pp.PMID AND p.PMID = cp.PMID ORDER BY p.Year ASC"); Assert.AreEqual(Result.Rows.Count, 5); Assert.AreEqual(Result.Rows[0]["Year"], 1993); Assert.AreEqual(Result.Rows[4]["Year"], 2001); } /// /// Generate a Star Colleagues report /// [Test] public void TestReportGeneration() { // The database now contains one star (Tobian, A5401532), with one // colleague (Bunn, A4800524). Only Bunn is a true colleague, and he // has one publication in common with Tobian. // Generate the report string JournalWeightsFilename = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestStarColleaguesReport\\" + "pubmed_jifs.xls"; ArrayList SetnbsToSkip = new ArrayList(); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); StarColleaguesReport.Generate(writer, DB, JournalWeightsFilename, SetnbsToSkip, null, true); StringReader actual = new StringReader(writer.ToString()); // Read the expected output from the test file StreamReader expected = new StreamReader( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestStarColleaguesReport\\" + "TobianBunnReport.csv" ); // Verify that each row was written correctly column by column (to provide // good debug data) string ActualLine; string ExpectedLine; int Row = 0; while ((ActualLine = actual.ReadLine()) != null) { Row++; string[] ActualValues = ActualLine.Split(new char[] { ',' }); Assert.IsFalse(expected.EndOfStream); ExpectedLine = expected.ReadLine(); string[] ExpectedValues = ExpectedLine.Split(new char[] { ',' }); Assert.AreEqual(ActualValues.Length, ExpectedValues.Length, "Row " + Row.ToString() + " has incorrect number of columns\nExpected: " + ExpectedLine + "\n Actual: " + ActualLine); for (int Col = 0; Col < ActualValues.Length; Col++) { Assert.AreEqual(ActualValues[Col], ExpectedValues[Col], "Row " + Row.ToString() + ", column " + (Col + 1).ToString()); } } Assert.IsTrue(expected.EndOfStream); } /// /// Generate an empty Star Colleagues report by skipping Bunn's Setnb /// [Test] public void TestSkipSetnbs() { // The database now contains one star (Tobian, A5401532), with one // colleague (Bunn, A4800524). Only Bunn is a true colleague, and he // has one publication in common with Tobian. // Generate the report string JournalWeightsFilename = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestStarColleaguesReport\\" + "pubmed_jifs.xls"; // Add Bunn's setnb to SetnbsToSkip ArrayList SetnbsToSkip = new ArrayList(); SetnbsToSkip.Add("A4800524"); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); StarColleaguesReport.Generate(writer, DB, JournalWeightsFilename, SetnbsToSkip, null, true); StringReader actual = new StringReader(writer.ToString()); // Read the expected output from the test file StreamReader expected = new StreamReader( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Unit Tests\\TestStarColleaguesReport\\" + "TobianBunnReport.csv" ); // Verify that the header is intact but that there are no other rows. string ActualLine; string ExpectedLine; ActualLine = actual.ReadLine(); Assert.IsNotNull(ActualLine); string[] ActualValues = ActualLine.Split(new char[] { ',' }); Assert.IsFalse(expected.EndOfStream); ExpectedLine = expected.ReadLine(); string[] ExpectedValues = ExpectedLine.Split(new char[] { ',' }); Assert.AreEqual(ActualValues.Length, ExpectedValues.Length); for (int i = 0; i < ActualValues.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(ActualValues[i], ExpectedValues[i]); } // Verify that the report contains no other rows after the header. Assert.IsTrue(actual.ReadToEnd() == ""); } /// /// Add five extra articles to the database for Tobian and Bunn /// public static void CreateExtraArticlesForTobianAndBunn(Database DB, PublicationTypes PubTypes, string[] Languages) { // Create people objects for Tobian and Bunn Person Tobian = new Person("A5401532", "Louis", "", "Tobian", true, new String[] { "tobian l", "tobian l jr", "tobian lj" }, "(\"tobian l\"[au] OR \"tobian l jr\"[au] OR \"tobian lj\"[au])"); Person Bunn = new Person("A4800524", "PAUL", "A.", "BUNN", true, new String[] { "bunn p jr", "bunn pa jr", "bunn pa", "bunn p" }, "((\"bunn pa jr\"[au] or \"bunn p jr\"[au]) or ((\"bunn p\"[au] or \"bunn pa\"[au]) and (lymphoma or cancer)) and 1970:2005[dp])"); // First, add a few more publications to the colleague. Publication pub = new Publication(); string[] Authors = new String[] { "TOBIAN L", "BUNN P" }; pub.Year = 1993; pub.Journal = "Fake Journal"; pub.Authors = Authors; pub.PMID = 22222222; pub.Title = "Fake article #1"; pub.Language = "eng"; pub.PubType = "Journal Article"; Publications.WriteToDB(pub, DB, PubTypes, Languages); Publications.WritePeoplePublicationsToDB(DB, Tobian, pub); ColleagueFinder.WriteColleaguePublicationsToDB(DB, Bunn, pub, PubTypes, new string[] { "eng" }); pub = new Publication(); Authors = new String[] { "BUNN P", "TOBIAN L" }; pub.Year = 1996; pub.Journal = "Xenotransplantation"; pub.Authors = Authors; pub.PMID = 12345678; pub.Title = "Fake article #2"; pub.Language = "eng"; pub.PubType = "Journal Article"; Publications.WriteToDB(pub, DB, PubTypes, Languages); Publications.WritePeoplePublicationsToDB(DB, Tobian, pub); ColleagueFinder.WriteColleaguePublicationsToDB(DB, Bunn, pub, PubTypes, new string[] { "eng" }); pub = new Publication(); Authors = new String[] { "TOBIAN L", "BUNN P" }; pub.Year = 1996; pub.Journal = "Fake Journal"; pub.Authors = Authors; pub.PMID = 98765432; pub.Title = "Fake article #3"; pub.Language = "eng"; pub.PubType = "Journal Article"; Publications.WriteToDB(pub, DB, PubTypes, Languages); Publications.WritePeoplePublicationsToDB(DB, Tobian, pub); ColleagueFinder.WriteColleaguePublicationsToDB(DB, Bunn, pub, PubTypes, new string[] { "eng" }); pub = new Publication(); Authors = new String[] { "TOBIAN L", "BUNN P", "SCHMOE J" }; pub.Year = 2001; pub.Journal = "Nature"; pub.Authors = Authors; pub.PMID = 55555555; pub.Title = "Fake article #4"; pub.Language = "eng"; pub.PubType = "Journal Article"; Publications.WriteToDB(pub, DB, PubTypes, Languages); Publications.WritePeoplePublicationsToDB(DB, Tobian, pub); ColleagueFinder.WriteColleaguePublicationsToDB(DB, Bunn, pub, PubTypes, new string[] { "eng" }); } } }