using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Data; using System.Data.Odbc; namespace ScientificDistance { public class Publications { // Dictionary that maps each PMID to a set of stripped MeSH headings private Dictionary> publications; /// /// The date window used to retrieve the publications and headings /// public string Window { get; private set; } /// /// The setnb used to retrieve the publications and headings /// public string Setnb { get; private set; } /// /// The list of PMIDs of the publications in the list /// public int[] PMIDs { get; private set; } /// /// Get the list of headings for a specific publication /// /// PMID of the publication /// List of stripped headings public string[] Headings(int pmid) { if (!publications.Keys.Contains(pmid)) throw new ArgumentException("PMID " + pmid.ToString() + " not found for " + Setnb + " " + Window); return publications[pmid].ToArray(); } /// /// Publications constructor /// /// ODBC DSN to query /// Setnb of the scientist whose publications to find /// Date window of publications public Publications(Database db, string setnb, string window, List excludePMIDs) { // Make sure no parameters are null if ((db == null) || (setnb == null) || (window == null)) throw new ArgumentNullException("Database, Setnb and Window can't be null when retrieving publications"); List parameters = GenerateSQLQueryParameters(setnb, window); // Execute the query and get the results DataTable pubs = db.ExecuteQuery(@" SELECT pub.pmid, h.heading FROM peoplepublications pp LEFT JOIN publications pub ON pub.pmid = pp.pmid LEFT JOIN publicationmeshheadings ph ON ph.pmid = pub.pmid LEFT JOIN meshheadings h ON = ph.meshheadingid WHERE pp.setnb = ? AND year >= ? AND year <= ? ORDER BY pmid, heading", parameters); publications = new Dictionary>(); // Populate the publications dictionary that maps PMIDs to stripped heading lists foreach (DataRow row in pubs.Rows) { int pmid = (int)row["pmid"]; if (excludePMIDs == null || !excludePMIDs.Contains(pmid)) { string heading = StripHeading(row["heading"].ToString()); if (!publications.Keys.Contains(pmid)) publications.Add(pmid, new List()); List headingList = publications[pmid]; if (!headingList.Contains(heading) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(heading)) headingList.Add(heading); } } // Set the public properties Window = window; Setnb = setnb; PMIDs = publications.Keys.ToArray(); } /// /// Use the setnb and window to generate the parameters /// for the SQL query to retrieve publications /// /// Setnb passed into the constructor /// Window passed into the constructor /// The parameter list private static List GenerateSQLQueryParameters(string setnb, string window) { // Create the parameter list for the SQL query List parameters = new List() { Database.Parameter(setnb) }; // Parse the window if (window == "") { // Empty string // Get all publications -- a 2,000 year range should be sufficient parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(1000)); parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(3000)); } else if (window.Contains("-")) { // Date range -- parse it and make sure the range is valid string[] dates = window.Split(new char[] { '-' }); if (dates.Length != 2) throw new ArgumentException("Date windows must have two dates: " + window); int date1; if (!Int32.TryParse(dates[0], out date1)) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid date " + dates[0] + " in window: " + window); int date2; if (!Int32.TryParse(dates[1], out date2)) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid date " + dates[1] + " in window: " + window); if (date2 < date1) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid window " + window + ": finish date precedes start date"); parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(date1)); parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(date2)); } else { // Just one date is specified -- it's a one-year window int date; if (!Int32.TryParse(window, out date)) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid date window: " + window); parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(date)); parameters.Add(Database.Parameter(date)); } return parameters; } /// /// Strip a MeSH heading /// /// MeSH heading to strip /// The stripped heading private string StripHeading(string heading) { if (heading.StartsWith("*")) heading = heading.Substring(1); if (heading.Contains("/")) { heading = heading.Substring(0, heading.IndexOf('/')); } return heading; } } }